February GRW meeting is next Monday 2/6/2023 in the large meeting room at Farr Regional Library. This meeting will be part business meeting and part presentation. We will be voting on revised by-laws and electing a new board of Executive Officers.
Everyone is welcome but voting is restricted to active 2023 GRW members. If you would like to join before the meeting next week, you may do so via this link https://checkout.square.site/buy/U5KTBB6CFN3ATK3TIXN6IFBV. Please try to join by Sunday 2/5 so we have an accurate count of members who can vote.
Please try to arrive and be seated as close to 5:30 pm as possible. We have a lot to get through before our guest speaker, Weld County Commissioner Scott James, can begin.
We hope to see you there!

February 2023 Meeting