Please join Greeley Republican Women for our December meeting and Christmas Party!

We will have a brief general meeting and then hold elections for the next GRW Executive Board! We are still taking nominations for any of the open positions, so if you have an interest in any of them, please reach out and submit your name or that of another member. Position descriptions are listed below. White Elephant Gift Exchange!!

We encourage our members to support this local business by purchasing a meal or appetizer.

Position descriptions for Executive Board Members:

President: Responsible for fair and unbiased leadership. Hold and conduct Executive Board meetings to follow up after that month’s General Meeting. Have agendas ready for both the General and Executive Board meetings. Be in contact monthly with each Executive Board member to communicate regarding their monthly duties and to delegate assignments so all are involved. Stay active with other Republican groups (Greeley Republican Politics for Breakfast, Weld County GOP, COGOP, and any action groups) that would complement our Mission Statement.

1st Vice-President: In charge of speakers. Responsible for keeping up to date on current happenings and who might be an informative and educational speaker. Keep Executive Board apprised as to speakers contacted and topic to be presented. Accept input from membership and Board. Put together a brief biography and topic information to be posted to Facebook group, web site, and email. Try to have this information three weeks ahead of the meeting.

2nd Vice-President: In charge of membership. Plans and implements Membership Drives to increase membership. Maintains the membership list on an Excel spreadsheet, updating monthly or as needed. New members are highlighted and makes sure the Treasurer has access to the spreadsheet so that this can be reported to Colorado Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) on a monthly basis.

Secretary: Maintain Secretary notebook with minutes from monthly General Meeting in Robert’s Rules of Order.

Treasurer: Responsible for maintaining all financial records. Manages the checking account and pays all outstanding debts. Inputs data to accountability sheet to document all monthly income and expenses. Reports new membership to CFRW and pays club fees and member dues.



December General meeting and Christmas Party!!